Total Guitar 2015 reader poll - Pedal of the Year JOYO Husky Drive. Please Vote !

Every year, The best guitar effect pedal is voted for by the readers of Total Guitar and Music Radar Website. It's the most hotly contested award category, and 2015 is no different. From budget to boutique, some phenomenal stompboxes have landed at the feet of Total Guitar and Music Radar for testing, but which one will take the coveted prize?
This year for the first time it could be a JOYO ! This year we are very proud to be included and you can nominate for JOYO in this years run down of best guitar effect pedal.
Please vote for JOYO on the Music Radar website here >>
The JOYO JF-314 Husky Drive Overdrive Mini Guitar Effects Pedal is just gives you nice FAT sound. Many of us mere mortals will never get to appreciate the wide throbbing sound of a power amp distortion and that is where the Husky drive will shine. Giving you the sound of power amp distortion without any flabbyness right at your feet. The Husky drive will give you the fatness and overdrive of a power amp at full blast. Voted a Best Buy with 5 stars by Total Guitar Magazine...
JOYO JF-314 Husky Drive - Overdrive BEST BUY *****
All of the same beautiful overtones you can get from a tube amp pushed to the edge, are now easily dialled in at your fingertips with this little pedal. The HIGH and LOW switch makes it a truly flexible stomp box.
Use it direct into a mixing console, audio interface or in front of an amp.
Listen / Watch 3 JOYO Husky demo's