JOYO Signature OverDrive Boost pedal Artist: Bin Ji

We have great pleasure to introduce Bin Ji as endorser for JOYO Audio and in particular the new signature pedal, OverDrive Boost. For those of you who haven't come across Bin Ji before, he is a famous guitarist from Dalian City, China.
Bin Ji also endorses the German manufactured Framus Guitars since 2004. Framus is a German musical instrument manufacturing company, that existed originally from 1946 until 1975. The Framus brand was revived in 1995 and continues to manufacture some of the best the classical violins, Attila Zoller guitars and the legendary Star Bass.
Bin Ji also promotes the English VOX Amplification range in China. Bin Ji established an official relationship with Guitar China in 2012, and toured in northeast China with two foreign guitar masters Neil Zaza and Andy James in a band called “GC3”.
In 2014, Bin Ji developed the concept for creating a JOYO custom-made signature pedal. JOYO already impressed by the excellent performance of Bin Ji in CG3, worked together to forge a personalized boost pedal which could meet all the performance needs of Bin Ji perfectly.
Bin Ji used to engage a overdrive pedal as a boost in the distortion channel of the amp, he had a preference to give up the delay pedal to get the most dynamic sound by using the distortion channel of the amp, he said by using the pedal this way he could get the real feedback from his right hand. The hard work of the engineers from JOYO paid off and a fabulous signature pedal was created, which provides the most wide dynamic range and delivers infinite sustain of any note or chord.
As a genuine Tai Chi master, Bin Ji has a special connection to the Tai Chi symbol, the OverDrive Boost signature pedal graphic designed by Bin Ji displays the meeting of yang with yin. When done correctly, this yin/yang or yang/yin balance in combat, or in a broader philosophical sense, is a primary goal of t'ai chi ch'uan training.
Lao Tzu provided the archetype for this in the Tao Te Ching when he wrote, "The soft and the pliable will defeat the hard and strong."