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Guitar Loopers

Guitar Loopers

Play a riff you like and record it direct on a looper pedal, with an instant playback you can jam right along. The JOYO guitar looper pedals plays your riff back over and over again, controlled by one footswitch. Record unlimited tracks up to 20 minutes long, add unlimited parts in at any time, a tap of the foot, record some more, overdub it over and over, listen to it all looped together, delete, undo the delete and recover your masterpiece.. Time flies from the minute you get your looper and the options here are limitless.

Timing when recording or playing with a looper is a skill to master, especially when playing into a live loop. The Ironloop looper pedal has an animated LCD screen making timing accuracy of overdubs far easier than any other mini effect pedal,s whilst the OMB, One Man Band provides the beats with a massive range of genres, beats and tempo adjustments.


The JOYO D-Seed II is our most feature rich delay guitar effect pedal and combines 8 delay effect types, stereo, ping pong, tap tempo, memory and a looper into one mighty stompbox.In total there are 8 different delay types to select from including:Space - Adds in a little Reverb to the del..
The JOYO R-07 Aquarius guitar effect pedal is a multi-mode delay guitar effect pedal & looper. Use it as a delay pedal, a looper pedal, or both at the same time. The Aquarius has 8 digital delay effects built in with tap tempo to set the delay time and has 300 second recording, playback, dub, st..
R-06 JOYO O.M.B Looper and Drum Machine is a one man band in a box featuring Looper and Drum Beats.The JOYO OMB (One Man Band) guitar pedal features a 40 minute looper for cycle recording, an independent drum machine / pattern mode and a combined LOOPER + drum mode.The looper mode has an auto-a..
The JOYO JF - 329 Iron Loop is possibly the smallest Looper on the market today. But don’t let its small stature fool you; it is easily one of the best loopers available by comparison on price and feature set. It comes with all the standard features that other ‘mini’ loopers have. ..
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