JOYO Jf-324 Gate Of Kahn - Noise Gate Ironman Mini Guitar Effects Pedal


JOYO Jf-324 Gate Of Kahn - Noise Gate Ironman Mini Guitar Effects Pedal
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The Gate Of Kahn is the brand new noise gate from Joyo.
With just one simple 'threshold' control this pedal makes it exquisitely easy to get rid of all that unwanted noise from your signal chain.
Adjust it so that when you play a note or chord with it on it is the same volume level as when it is off. In the unlikely event that you're still getting more noise than you want then ever so slightly increase the threshold control but remember a little adjustment goes a long way!!!
- Input Impedance: 1M Ω
- Output Impedance: 100 Ω
- Running Current: 20mA
- Power: DC 9V centre -
- Dimension(mm):73x43x50
- Weight: 220g
JOYO JF-324 Gate of Kahn - Noise Gate Ironman Mini Guitar Effects Pedal
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