JOYO Bantamp Head & Bantcab Cabinet Mini Stack - Bantstack


JOYO Bantamp Head & Bantcab Cabinet Mini Stack - Bantstack
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The JOYO Bantamp Head & Bantcab Cabinet mini stack combines a 1x8 Celestion loaded cabinet and bantamp head amplifier. This is the ideal combo for gaining all the tone at a scaled down price.
The scaled down cab, is available to purchase separately and its 8" speaker delivers a punchy tone and sound that has to heard to be believed. This speaker cab is built to last loaded with a genuine Celestion speaker, with rugged construction and attractive styling black tolex and metal basket weave grill.
The mini stack is supplied with everything you need, 1 of 6 Bantamp amplifier heads, Bantcab speaker cabinet & cable. Select the bantamp of your choice, a great combination.
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