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Chorus Effects

Chorus Effects

Chorus guitar pedals are one of the most essential and popular pedals for guitarists. A chorus pedal splits your guitar signal into two parts and detunes and delays one of them. It can be used to add subtle modulations to your sound or using in more radical ways for more drastic effects and widening your sound.


Chorus is one of a few types of modulation effect, it should be placed fairly late in your pedal chain. It should come after a wah pedal, compression pedal, overdrive pedal, and distortion pedal, but before your delay pedal, tremolo pedal, or reverb pedal.


Its a pedal you might just want to put in your guitar amp fx loop.


Two songs to hear a chorus; The Police with Walking On The Moon and Nirvana: Come As You Are, sounds great clean or with lots of drive.


Introducing the JOYO Narcissus Multiple Chorus Pedal – an unparalleled tool for sculpting rich and immersive chorus effects. Embodying elegance in a stone blue hue and weighing just 240 grams, this pedal offers a versatile palette of chorus tones to inspire your musical creativity.From surre..
The Joyo Vision has every kind of modulation you could ever ask for, stereo 2 channels of modulation in one guitar effect pedal. It has two sides of modulation, built in an A and B channel that you can mix and blend in parallel or series modes at the flick of a switch.Every modulation setting ca..
The JOYO JF-05 Classic Chorus pedal has just that, the classic chorus sound that is heard on masses of recordings. The Classic Chorus, a modulation effect, can breathe life into slowly picked arpeggiated chords and add a whole new dimension to overdriven guitar parts as well. Make your 6 string guit..
JOYO JF-37 analogue chorus has a very sweet chorus sound. A modulation effect chorus brings life to guitar chords. When used on lead guitar with a delay, the effect is surreal and beautiful. Analog Chorus can expand your musical horizon when it comes to original tones.This pedal delivers exactly wha..
The JOYO JF-316 Future Chorus is a beautifully musical chorus. The Future Chorus isn't a cheesy, in your face, wall of chorus like some other chorus pedals are. You aren't going to get the over the top, over used 80's style chorus from the Future Chorus. It is a far more musical. Even wi..
JOYO JF-318 Quattro Digital Delay, aka The Quattro, like the name suggests, it has four modes of  delay with Copy, Analog, Modulation and a versatile filter delay. The maximum delay achieved is an impressive 958,3 ms !COPY is the standard digital delay sound, where the echo sounds as close to..
Showing 1 to 6 of 6 (1 Pages)

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